Peptides involve hormones, nerves, cell growth and reproduction fields of the human body. Their importance lies in regulating the physiological functions of various systems and cells in the body, activating the relevant enzymes in the body, promoting the permeability of the intermediate metabolic membrane, or controlling DNA transcription or affecting specific protein synthesis, and eventually producing specific physiological effects.

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2 The cosmetic function of peptides in cosmetics

The biological activity of peptides depends on their amino acid composition and sequence. Almost all physiological processes in human body are regulated by peptides or proteins composed of specific amino acid sequences.Therefore, bioactive peptide has become a new direction and idea of cosmetics research and development and application, and its functions are increasingly subdivided, such as: anti-aging, repair, anti-oxidation, anti-edema, promoting hair regeneration, inhibiting melanin generation, breast enhancement, weight loss, etc.